It's never easy to say "goodbye" to those we love. This past winter, sadly, our volunteer family has lost two cherished members of our team. For the many of you who visited Golden Eagle RV Park in the spring/summer/fall of 2018, you'll remember these faces as they filled ice cream dishes, worked in the office, or worked hard behind the scenes to help keep your stay with us enjoyable as possible.
Many of you will remember Lois Hinderliter as part of the Leroy & Lois "tour" leaders. No doubt, you have followed this vehicle for many adventures over the summer. Others will remember Lois as the lady who served us our Sunday afternoon ice cream.
Sandra Tamplen was part of our 2018 volunteer team who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to keep your bathrooms clean, the rental cabins in tip-top shape, and serving and preparing food for our hungry travelers.